Pangboche School
When we visited this school in May 2013, it was crying out for some love and attention. The children were few in numbers and working from old text books that had been handed down with pages falling out. They had nothing. The headmaster told us that most important was a playground where the children could undertake sport safely - the school was built on the side of a mountain on steep slopes. In addition they needed new uniform, musical instruments, traditional local dress, sports equipment, library books and computers.
We applied to the St. James’s Place Charitable Foundation for a grant and were lucky enough to be successful in that application. Work was quickly underway thanks to our friends in the Nepal Youth Foundation who managed the project for us. We collected 4,000 children’s books that then needed to be transported from Cirencester in Gloucestershire, UK to Pangboche, 4,000 miles away. Friends sponsored yaks that would carry the books on the last leg of the journey, and the transport was paid for. Meanwhile the playground was literally carved out of the side of the mountain and all the other facilities secured.
The children of Pangboche now have a school they can be proud of.